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SK Telecom displays ¡°Quantum AI Camera¡± at its pavilion during 2023 Korean Government Expo that took place at the Busan Exhibition and Convention Center, BEXCO from Nov. 23 to Nov. 25. (Photo: SK Telecom)SK Telecom introduced diverse technologies and solutions for AI innovation of the public secto¡¦
Officials with SK Telecom repair the 400Gbps wired network at 5G backbone. (Photos: SK Telecom)SK Telecom said on Oct. 10 the telecom service provider commercialized and introduced 400Gbps wired networks. The conventional wired networks transmit traffic at a speed of 100Gbps. The large cap¡¦
An image of the 2023 European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC 2023) that took place in Glasgow, UK, from Oct. 1 to Oct. 5. (Photo: KT)KT displayed the latest optical communications technologies, such as optical internet parts, terminals and equipment pieces at the 2023 European Conference¡¦
President Jun Sung-bae of the Institute of Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP) reveals ¡°K-Network 2030 Strategy¡± while delivering a key-note speech at the Mobile World Congress 2023, which took place at Barcelona, Spain, on Feb. 28. (Photo: IITP)President J¡¦
Executive Vice President Im Jang-hyuk of the Corporate New Business Group at LG Uplus shakes hands with President Kim Minkyo of Bigwave Robotics after LG Uplus struck an MOU with Bigwave Robotics to strengthen its presence in the robotics business. (Photos: LG Uplus)LG Uplus struck an MOU with Bigwa¡¦
Jeon Young-suh, head of LG Uplus¡¯ Corporate Service Development Lab Center poses with Plana President Kim Jae-hyung after they signed an MOU on the joint research of telecom-based UAM data transmission on Feb. 13. (Photos: LG Uplus)LG Uplus signed an MOU on the joint research of telecom-based urban¡¦
President Yoon Suk-yeol delivers a speech at a New Year¡¯s meet-and-greet of people in the science and technology, ICT and communications sectors at Gwacheon National Science Museum on Jan. 10. (Photo on the courtesy of the Presidential Office)President Yoon Suk-yeol was one of the guests on hand at¡¦
President Bang Seung-chan of Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI).Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) plans to maintain global technology leadership by exploring international standard technologies and expanding support for industrialization this year¡¦
A model demonstrates the use of Galaxy Watch to experience ¡°Cocore Gym,¡± an interactive home training service released by LG Uplus.LG Uplus launched ¡°Cocore Gym,¡± an interactive home training service, by connecting a home training service for IPTVs and the smart watch.The new service employs the¡¦
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Shinhan Financial Group Chairman Jin Ok-dong, Shinhan Bank President Jung Sang-hyuk, Shinhan Card President Moon Dong-kwon pose for a photo after helping residents in Yongsan-gu, Seoul with the Seoul Station Welfare Center for the Marginalized on Dec¡¦
Chairman Yang Jong-hee of KB Financial Group delivers his inaugural speech at an inauguration ceremony at the new headquarters building of KB Kookmin Bank in Yeouido, Seoul, on Nov. 21. (Photo: Yonhap News Agency)KB Financial Group held an inaugurati¡¦
President Yoo Jae-hoon of Korea Deposit Insurance Corp. (KDIC) and other executives attend a ceremony to declare responsibility management and to establish an internal controls and compliance regime at KDIC headquarters in Seoul on Nov. 28.Korea Depo¡¦
President Lee Jae-keun of KB Kookmin Bank. (Photos: KB Kookmin Bank)KB Kookmin Bank announced that it will conduct a pilot to digitize financial services using Augmented Reality (AR) technology.AR superimposes virtual information, such as images and ¡¦

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